Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The dangers of webcams

Submitted by mala on Tuesday, May 11th, 2010
Tuesday, May 11th, 2010 15:10:00


Webcams might be a necessary piece of equip­ment for video-conferencing and a useful add-on to free voice-over Internet services like Skype.

However, they present a number of challenges to parents who want to protect their children's privacy.

As parents are naturally concerned about their children communicating with strangers in any medium, when you add a camera into the mix-whether it's taking still photos or video-you edge quickly from the merely icky into the pos­sibly illegal.

Plainly put, you have to make sure your child isn't going to end up in communication with a child predator.

The best way to prevent that is by making sure that your Webcam is in a common area, and only to be used when there's a parent or other responsible adults nearby.

A second and subtler risk is that hackers may be able to install software on your Internet-connect­ed camera that allows them to access and control it remotely. Last, using a service like Skype may ex­pose you to contact requests from spammers.

With that in mind, The Malay Mail presents (courtesy of Trend Micro), some tips for safer We­bcam use:

1. Shut off the camera and cover it with a lens cap when you aren't using it.

2. Keep the camera in an open space, like a living room, rather than allowing your kids to use it in private.

3. Don't let your child use the camera to com­municate with anyone who isn't a peer or who they don't know personally.

4. Remind your child not to respond to IMs, emails, or contact requests from unknown people.

5. Keep away from the camera any private information. For example, don't po­sition it so that your house number is in the frame.

Source & Credit : http://www.mmail.com.my

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